Festival of Hope

Curriculum Framework

The Primary Years Program (PYP) serves as a curriculum organizer and provides a step-by-step approach to achieving authentic conceptual inquiry-based learning for PYP students that is engaging, meaningful, challenging, and relevant through transdisciplinary learning.


Our written curriculum is articulated into a Program of Inquiry (POI) as the structure of concepts, knowledge, skills, and attributes of learner profiles that have relevance across, between and beyond the subjects and that connect a wide-ranging knowledge to arrive at conceptual understandings.

This exploration map designed across the different age groups, from early years to upper primary with the opportunity to experience a coherent and balanced curriculum within six transdisciplinary themes: Who we are, Where we are in place and time, How we express ourselves, How the world works, How we organize ourselves, Sharing the planet.

These transdisciplinary themes provide students with authentic learning experiences that are not confined to the boundaries of traditional subjects with exploration of real-world problems and reflection on their learning to take meaningful action in their community and the wider world.

pyp framework
The International Baccalaureate (IB)
offers high quality programmes of international education to a worldwide community of schools

Jl. Bango II No.38, RT.6/RW.3, Pd. Labu, Cilandak,

Kota Jakarta Selatan Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia

  1. School Call : (021) 75913675
  2. School Email: aljabrschool@gmail.com