Festival of Hope

Assessment in PYP

Assessment is an important part of students learning as it both enhances learning and provides opportunities for students to reflect on what they know, understand, and can do.

Assessment is ongoing and progress is reported to parents through different ways:

3-Way Conference

In the first semester, students, parents, and teachers sit together to plan individual goals and strategies for each child for the forthcoming year. 3-Way Conference is a Smart Plan based-discussion that involves the student, parents, and teacher in order to support the student's development in learning and understanding

Three-Way Conference aims to give an opportunity for the students, parents, and teachers to meet to share any individual characteristics, needs, strengths, and weaknesses that may support the student’s progress throughout the year. This allows students to reflect and analyze their personal strengths and areas to develop their responsibility as independent learners.

Student Led Conference

Students share their learning and experiences with parents in the authentic setting of the classrooms and specialist areas.

Report Card

At the end of each semester, parents will receive a written report of their children’s progress with authentic and constructive teacher comments.

Parents-Teacher Conference

This conference is designed after the written report is sent home to give parents the opportunity to discuss the progress result with the respective teachers.

The International Baccalaureate (IB)
offers high quality programmes of international education to a worldwide community of schools

Jl. Bango II No.38, RT.6/RW.3, Pd. Labu, Cilandak,

Kota Jakarta Selatan Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia

  1. School Call : (021) 75913675
  2. School Email: aljabrschool@gmail.com